Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Who, When, Where, & Why

Thank you for visiting!.  Our Trans-Labrador Adventure blog is currently under construction as we fumble with getting  the website in place and preparing our bikes and gear for the journey..
Please come back and visit as the trip gets underway on 
August 21, 2014 :-) Mack & Roger

The Why:
Ever since announcing my plans to complete a 5,400+ mile motorcycle trip across one of the most remote, isolated regions of North America, all but a handful of individuals have pretty much had a similar reaction....."Why"?    Why in the world would you want to do such a thing?....and "Where" the heck is Labrador?  

Ok......first the "why".   

I could spend hours talking about it's stunningly picturesque landscape, it's unlimited forested hills, or it's flowing inland fjords all beaming with abundant wildlife.  I could mention how the arctic fox, wolverine, puffin, beaver, snowy owl, lynx, wolf, bear, caribou, and North America's largest population of moose are merely a few among the myriad of species native to this land.  

I could attempt to describe it's 18,000 miles of coastline where catching a glimpse of a mighty humpback whale breaching and frolicking among the icebergs is not an uncommon sight.  I could talk about how it's myriad of fjords, fishing villages, colorful harbors, and North America's longest unpaved stretch of road, the Trans-Labrador Highway, are among the many things that draw me to Labrador and Newfoundland.   This, with it's millions of acres of virgin forest, it's seemingly unlimited natural resources, and all the rich history make up what is known as the "Big Land".   To do so would mean I was trying to paint in your mind's eye the sheer vastness and beauty of this mostly uninhabited and untamed wilderness.

I could......but I won't.......   

Instead I'll introduce you to this great land in the couple of  short videos that follow.  If the "why" doesn't get answered here, then it's unlikely that anything I could say would make much of a difference.

It is mine and Roger's hope that these videos, coupled with our pictures and blogged journey through this magnificent landscape, will inspire you to create your own adventure.....to take your heart where it yearns to be.  Follow along as we spend the next 24 days traveling to the "Ragged Edge of North America".    

*Don't forget to view videos in  760 or 1080 HD and fullscreen for the best viewing experience.